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2012 年

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2011 年

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2010 年

12 月
11 月

2011 年 6 の行事予定

応用知覚研究懇話会:「知覚と脳」シリーズ第 6 "Music and Rhythm"

日時:2011 年 6 月 23 日(木)18:30-20:30
会場:九州大学大橋キャンパス 3 号館 2 階,321 教室


1. Psychology of music training: Waveform analysis of piano performance (tentative)
Shihoko Shioya (Kyushu Univ.)

2. Processing and representing temporal patterns in the brain: an ERP waveform analysis
Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), Yoshitaka Nakajima (Kyushu Univ.), Takako Mitsudo (Laval Univ.), and Shozo Tobimatsu (Kyushu Univ.)

3. Effects of a preceding time interval on the perception of an inter-onset time interval: Is unilateral assimilation in auditory modality replaced by contrast when the difference between the neighboring time intervals increases?
Yoshitaka Nakajima, Emi Hasuo, Yuki Haraguchi, and Miki Yamashita (Kyushu Univ.)

4. A study of music therapy for chronic schizophrenia patients in Japan
Masako Asano (Kyushu Univ. and NishiKyushu Univ.), Hiroe Tsukahara, Miki Takato (Nat. Hosp. Org. Hizen Psych. Center), Youhei Komatsu (NishiKyushu Univ.), Motonori Fukui (Nat. Hosp. Org. Hizen Psych. Center), Shiho Sugihara (Univ. Hyogo), Yuichi Saeki (Nat. Hosp. Org. Hizen Psych. Center), and Yoshitaka Nakajima (Kyushu Univ.)

5. Factor analyses of power fluctuations in critical-band-filtered chorus
Kazuo Ueda and Yoshitaka Nakajima (Kyushu Univ.)

最新情報 | ごあいさつ | 行事予定 | 構成員リスト | 連絡先 | English

Last updated: 3 April 2013.
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