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2023 年 2 月
Date and time: Monday, 13 February 2023, 15:30-17:40 Venue: In-person meeting at Room 601 on the 6th floor of the 3rd Building on the Ohashi campus <http://www.design.kyushu-u.ac.jp/kyushu-u/english/access> Language: English Organizer: Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ./ReCAPS/Five-Sense Center)
(1) 15:30-16:20 [Invited Lecture] The multimodal interplay between speech and gesture in a foreign language context Spencer D. KELLY (Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences)* and Yukari HIRATA (Professor of Japanese and Linguistics)* *Center for Language and Brain, Colgate University
Hand gestures combine with speech to form a tightly integrated system in native language use. In this talk, we explore this relationship at the phonetic level as novices learn novel pitch patterns in a foreign language. In both speech production and perception, we present evidence that hand gestures affect some aspects of low level speech processing, only under certain circumstances.
(2) 16:30-16:50 Phonemic restoration and energetic masking with checkerboard speech stimuli Koutaro MUNECHIKA*, Kazuo UEDA**, Hiroshige TAKEICHI***, and Gerard B. REMIJN**** *Kyushu Univ. **Kyushu Univ./ReCAPS/Five-Sense Center ***RIKEN/ReCAPS ****Kyushu Univ./ReCAPS
(3) 16:50-17:20 Illusory continuity at a higher level Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA* and Gerard B. REMIJN** *Sound Corporation **Kyushu Univ./ReCAPS
(4) 17:20-17:40 The rivalry between switching frequency bands and fundamental frequency separation for auditory stream segregation of harmonic complex tones Geng-Yan JHANG*, Kazuo UEDA**, Hiroshige TAKEICHI***, and Gerard B. REMIJN**** *Kyushu Univ. **Kyushu Univ./ReCAPS/Five-Sense Center ***RIKEN/ReCAPS ****Kyushu Univ./ReCAPS
After the seminar, we have an informal reception in Kazuo's office on the 7th floor (709) for 30 minutes or so. Then, we will go out for dinner with Spencer and Yukari. You are welcome to join both if you would like to.

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