Date and time: Monday, 12 December 2022, 12:30-18:00 Venue: In-person meeting at Room 601 on the 6th floor of the 3rd Building on the Ohashi campus <> Language: English for the first seven presentations and Japanese for the last two presentations Organizer: Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ./ReCAPS/Five-Sense Center)
(1) 12:30-13:00 Illusory auditory event formation in different frequency regions Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.), Yoshitaka Nakajima (Kyushu Univ./Sound Corporation)
(2) 13:00-13:30 On the illusory continuity in the gap transfer illusion: A few auditory demonstrations Yoshitaka Nakajima (Sound Corporation) and Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
(3) 13:30-14:00 Auditory stream segregation for complex tones with switching frequency bands: Rivaling factors for segregation Geng-Yan Jhang, Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ.), Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
(4) 14:15-14:45 A trough in the intelligibility curves for checkerboard speech stimuli with four- and eight-frequency bands Linh Doan, Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ.), Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), and Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
(5) 14:45-15:15 Phonemic restoration and energetic masking with checkerboard speech stimuli Koutaro Munechika, Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ.), Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
(6) 15:15-15:45 Magnetoencephalography elucidates processing mosaic and checkerboard speech Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), Kazuo Ueda, Takako Mitsudo (Kyushu Univ.), Alexandra Wolf (RIKEN, Kyushu Univ.), and Yoji Hirano (Kyushu Univ.)
(7) 16:00-16:30 Analysis of enhanced speech quality using correspondence analysis Kimiko Negi (Kyushu Univ.), Yoshitaka Nakajima (Sound Corporation, Kyushu Univ.), Kazuo Ueda, Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
(8) 16:30-17:00 英語の第二言語習得に母語の韻律が与える影響:日本語,中国語母語話者間の比較検討 ◯川口智史, ジェラード B. レメイン (九州大)
(9) 17:00-17:30 断続伸長モザイク音声:時間分解精度と断続が了解度におよぼす効果の分離 〇橋本将史, 上田和夫 (九州大),竹市博臣 (理研), 若宮幸平, Gerard B. Remijn (九州大)
After the seminar, we have an informal reception in Kazuo's office on the 7th floor (709).

Date and time: Saturday, 17 December 2022, 10:00-17:45 (Reception: 17:45-18:15), and Sunday, 18 December 2022, 9:30-14:50 Venue: In-person meeting at Room 322 on the 2nd floor of the 3rd Building on the Ohashi campus <> Language: English on 17 December 2022 and Japanese on 18 December 2022 Organizer: Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ./ReCAPS/Five-Sense Center) Cosponsored by the Acoustical Society of Japan, Kyushu Chapter of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Kyushu University, Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science (ReCAPS), and Research and Development Center for Five-Sense Devices
I am delighted to announce that the in-person Auditory Research Meeting in December 2022 takes place in our campus. Please refer to the following announcement provided by the secretary of the Committee of Hearing Research, ASJ. I am arranging an invited talk by Professor Valter Ciocca, the University of British Columbia, for the English session(s). The title deadline is 14 October 2022 JST and the abstract or conference paper deadline is 18 November 2022. The Center will provide the members of the Center the proceedings for free.
We'll provide you with two opportunities to talk to each other after the first day of the conference.
(1) Reception. This will be held at the conference venue from 17:45 to 18:15. No registration is required. Free drinks, mainly soft drinks, will be served, but you are free to bring in any kind of drink you like.
(2) Dinner. After the reception, we'll move to a restaurant nearby to have dinner. Registration is required for each person, by 14 December 2022, 17:00 JST. It costs 4,000 yen for a person with an occupation and 2,000 yen for a student, including food and drinks. To reserve your seat, please register your e-mail address in the form linked below. I'll provide the details in reply to your registration. <>
See you in Ohashi!
17 December 2022, English sessions
English Session 1: 10:00-11:30
(1) 10:00-10:30 Illusory auditory event formation in different frequency regions Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.), Yoshitaka Nakajima (Kyushu Unive./Sound Corporation)
(2) 10:30-11:00 On the illusory continuity in the gap transfer illusion: A few auditory demonstrations Yoshitaka Nakajima (Sound Corporation) and Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
(3) 11:00-11:30 Auditory stream segregation for complex tones with switching frequency bands: Rivaling factors for segregation Geng-Yan Jhang, Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ.), Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
Lunch break
English Session 2: 13:15-14:45
(4) 13:15-13:45 Comparative measurement of headphones using new test signals and side tones while voicing Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Kohei Yatabe (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology), Toshie Matsui (Toyohashi Univ. of Technology), Nao Hodeshima (Tokai Univ.), Mitsunori Mizumachi (Kyushu Institute of Technology), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Sciences Univ. of Hokkaido)
(5) 13:45-14:15 Spontaneous variability correlates with compensative response in vocal pitch control Ryosuke O. Tachibana (Univ. of Tokyo), Mingdi Xu (Keio Univ.), Ryu-ichiro Hashimoto, Fumitaka Homae (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Kazuo Okanoya (Teikyo Univ.)
(6) 14:15-14:45 A trough in the intelligibility curves for checkerboard speech stimuli with four and eight frequency bands Linh Doan, Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ.), Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), and Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
English Session 3: 15:00-16:30
(7) 15:00-15:30 Phonemic restoration and energetic masking with checkerboard speech stimuli Koutaro Munechika, Kazuo Ueda (Kyushu Univ.), Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
(8) 15:30-16:00 Magnetoencephalography elucidates processing mosaic and checkerboard speech Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN), Kazuo Ueda, Takako Mitsudo (Kyushu Univ.), Alexandra Wolf (RIKEN, Kyushu Univ.), and Yoji Hirano (Kyushu Univ.)
(9) 16:00-16:30 Analysis of enhanced speech quality using correspondence analysis Kimiko Negi (Kyushu Univ.), Yoshitaka Nakajima (Sound Corporation, Kyushu Univ.), Kazuo Ueda, Gerard B. Remijn (Kyushu Univ.)
Invited Lecture: 16:45-17:45
(10) 16:45-17:45 Can speech therapists assess phonological development in a non-native language using perceptual, whole-word judgments? Valter Ciocca, Barbara May Bernhardt (Univ. of British Columbia), Daniel Bérubé (Univ. of Ottawa), Joseph Stemberger (Univ. of British Columbia), Hadeel Ayyad (Kuwait Univ.), Ninell Sygal, Julia Ardilliez, Camélie Belzile-Lapalme (Univ. of Ottawa)
Reception: 17:45-18:15
Please ask the local organizer, Kazuo Ueda <ueda[at]>, for the details of the dinner after the reception.
18 December 2022, 9:30-14:50, Japanese sessions with eight oral presentations.
 Click here to see a high-resolution photo.