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2015 年 6

応用知覚科学研究センター特別講義:Some Topics on Blind Signal Processing (BSP)

日時:2015 年 6 月 8 日(月),15:00-16:00
場所:5 号館 3 階,533 教室,九州大学大橋キャンパス

史習智教授は上海交通大学振动,冲击,噪声研究所(Inst. of Vibration Shock & Noise)を定年後も,授業や博士生の指導で上海交通大に通われておられるほか,各国での講演活動もされておられます.ご著書の1つが,今回の講義に直接関係する以下の本です.

Xizhi Shi, “Blind Signal Processing: Theory and Practice,” Springer (2011/10/10)

[abstract] Blind signal processing (BSP) has been an active research area in signal processing because the “blind” property doesn't require apriori knowledge on either the signal or training data. As a powerful statistical signal processing method, BSP has been successfully used in many fields, such as processing of speech, images, wireless communications, EEG, and data compression. This talk consists of fiveparts.

1. Introduction
2. Two valuable algorithm research
3. Some interesting applications
4. Recent related topics
5. Perspective

It will be of particular interest to undergraduate students, graduate students, university instructors and research scientists in related disciplines.

最新情報 | ごあいさつ | 開催日程 | 構成員 | 連絡先 | English

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