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2018 年 3

The 38th Perceptual Frontier Seminar: Music, Culture, and Brain

Date and time: Monday, 5 March 2018, 16:00-18:00
Venue: Room 321 on the 2nd Floor of Building 3, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan <>
Language: English
Organizer: Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA (Kyushu Univ., ReCAPS)


1. A study on the characteristics of pitch perception in listeners with and without absolute pitch
Eigo YAMASHITA*, Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA**, Kazuo UEDA**, Gerard B. REMIJN**
*School of Design, Department of Acoustic Design, Kyushu University
** Human Science Department/ReCAPS, Kyushu University

Characteristics of pitch perception in Japanese listeners with and without absolute pitch (AP) were described according to their scores on an AP-test and a questionnaire.The results showed that in this study significantly more female participants than male participants could be qualified as AP possessors, and that an early starting age of musical education is related to AP possession.

2. A study on sensing the color of music in Japanese chromesthetes and non-chromesthetes
Minori YAGI*, Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA**, Kazuo UEDA**, Gerard B. REMIJN**
*School of Design, Department of Acoustic Design, Kyushu University
** Human Science Department / ReCAPS, Kyushu University

In order to gain insight into the perceptual relation between color and music, Japanese chromesthetes and non-chromesthetes were asked to listen to musical excerpts and indicate the color they associated with each piece on a color palette. Music-color association scores suggested that overall the scores for these Japanese listeners followed those obtained in earlier research with Western listeners. Differences between the scores of chromesthetes and non-chromesthetes will be discussed.

3. Does music cross all boarders? A cross-culture comparison of tonality perception
Rie MATSUNAGA*, Toshinori YASUDA**, Michelle JOHNSON-MOTOYAMA***, Pitoyo HARTONO****, Koichi YOKOSAWA*****, Jun-ichi ABE*****
*Kanagawa University, **Waseda University, ***University of Kansas, ****Chukyo University, *****Hokkaido University

While experimental cross-cultural studies reported that tonality perception is universally determined, developmental evidence have suggested that there are likely to be culture differences in tonality perception. To ascertain influences of cultural differences, we directly compared tonal responses among Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesians, and Americans. Our data clearly demonstrated that tonality perception is considerably influenced by cultures.

We will get together after the Seminar.


最新情報 | ごあいさつ | 開催日程 | 構成員 | 連絡先 | English

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